Tips for Camping in Your RV

An RV is one of the best ways to camp because it offers the best of both tent camping and staying in a resort or hotel. However, planning a camping trip requires coordinating several elements, from campsite reservations to meal planning, towing, and logistics. Making it all go smoothly takes a little practice, but this short guide offers everything you need to learn the ins and outs of RV camping. Read on to learn how to make your next camping trip a success.

Choose Your Destination

Your destination will be determined by your location and how far you are willing to travel. Luckily, there are so many amazing places to visit in your RV, so you should be able to find a good destination no matter where you reside. Use magazines, online forums, and other sources of information to find possible locations. If you plan to go during a peak camping season or to one of the more popular destinations, it is best to make reservations early as these places fill up fast.


Every camping trip will have unique items you bring along specifically for the trip, but many campers develop a “master” camping list over the course of several trips. This list contains all the things you’ll need regardless of where you go, from propane and first-aid to safety supplies and kitchen pantry items. It’s helpful to keep a running document or spreadsheet for this list and then create a separate document for each specific trip.

Budget Your Trip

This applies to all vacations, but some people budget for major expenses like camp fees and entrance fees but forget about small ticket items like food, groceries, souvenirs, entertainment, gasoline, and propane. These smaller purchases are no less important, and they can really add up. It’s also smart to leave a little in the budget as an emergency fund.

Camping in an RV is a blast, but it goes much more smoothly if you prepare the right way. Try these tips the next time you head out! For more information or to explore RVs for sale, visit Day Bros RV. We are a dealership located in PHYSICAL LOCATIONLondon and Monticello, Kentucky.

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